zZSlyGuyZz's GM app
Time Zone:Eastern time zone
Average Play Time:5 hours in the summer and 2-3 hours when school starts most of the time if im not on for long that means something is going on that day so thats one of those days im not playing much but then theres days where im just going to sit at my computer and not get off at all except for eating and some other stuff
Average time in Forum:I check it often while im playing so about 30 min a day willing to check more when the forum becomes very active
Have you been a gm before:No I have not in maplestory servers but in other games I have like Minecraft which Is about the same requirements except a whole written application
In-Game Name:zZSlyGuyZz
Reason you want to be a GM:To help the server and keep hackers away from here and moderate the chat/forums and explain the game to new players how to level up quick or get msi's or even how to get some chairs and who our fun little community is
What will you do as a GM:I will go around and try to find as many hackers as I can to end the hacks and try as hard as possible to recruit people even if its going to take weeks until I get 1 person to join its still worth it for the server
How will you make the server better:End the disease of hackers and make the communtity happy
Intrests/hobbies:Nothing much
Hangin with friends
Hangin with my private server buds
shooting some hoops
so theres really nothing much besides that
Tell about yourself:I'm lazy for physical stuff not for computer stuff and I'm a no life except in school where im one of the people who know everything but I really dont know everything I just excel in math
Any other comments:I hope I can be along side Jackson and Marshall and then the GMs
and then heres some questions that ive seen for other gm app requirements that I would like to put in this app
What would you do if 2 players were fighting:I would first off take them both to the GM room and then kill both of them so they wouldent be jumping around and not serious and then mute the map then unmute 1 of them and listen to there story and then mute them again and then unmute the other and listen to there story and then mute them again and then I would decide what was going to happen next
what would you do if you came upon a hacker:I would Screen shot them then ban them and put the report and picture on here the forums then have Marshall or Jackson look at the report and then decide if the ban is perm.
How long have you been playing CygnusMS:August 9th was my first day
what are some GM commands you can name on the top of your head