Name:Adelyn Tan Hee Lin
Time Zone:UTC + 8 hours
Average Play time:8hr-12hr
Average time in Forum:4hrs
Have you been GM before:Yes I have been Gm in Zakurams For 2years++
In-Game Name:GMAdelyn
Reason you want to be a GM:It is because i have codes and i know how to host event and etc and i am friendly too.Experince Gm for a long time.
What will you do as a GM:I will be online mostly so i can hear any players who is need of help,Host events,Ban those who hack,Make This server a more enjoyable place
How will you make the server better:I will do that by hosting events,chat with player,help players if they need any,sit down and slack with players and look out for hackers!
Intrests/hobbys:I like to go shopping most of the times and hangout with friends but mostly i play maple because its boring.
Tell about yourself:I just finished My O'Level Exams and waiting for result and i have 5months of holiday so i am mostly free and will be online
Any other comment:Yes i hope u would approve me as Gm as i can guide others as i am experienced c: