Name: Eugene Chong
Age: 17 this year
Time Zone: UTC +8
Average Playtime: 5 hours
Average time in Forums: 3 hours
Have you been a GM before: Nope
In-Game Name: Rhapsody
Reason(s) you want to be a GM: I want to help make the server a place for people to have fun and interact with other people
What will you do as a GM: I feel that the key to mantaining a server is friendship, so I'll be hanging around with the rest, listening to their complains/feedbacks and do the necessary changes. I'll also keep an eye on those who tries to use hacks/disrupt the server and ban them if they have gone too far.
How will you make the server better: Host events, ban hackers/disruptors. And as i said above, communicate with the people.
Interests/Hobbies: Swimming, biking and not forgetting mapling!
Tell me more about yourself: You could say I'm the more friendly type of person in school as i like to make friends. I'm also quite active on Saturdays and Sundays, going to the park to ride my bicycle or even just swimming 10 laps in the swimming pool.
Other comments: Since this is my first time doing a GM application, it gives me an opportunity to learn. I may or may not get that GM title, but whichever outcome i get, it doesn't matter. I would also like to thank the admin(s) for giving me this chance ^^.