Name: Ahsan
Age: 14
Location: Canada
Time Zone: (GMT-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
Average Play time: I would play about 6 hours daily
Average time in Forum: about 3 hours if there is something important I have to do
Have you been GM before: No I've not been a gm before
In-Game Name: Ped0Bear
Reason you want to be a GM: I want to have fun with everyone in the server
What will you do as a GM: I think I can scare little kids away and host events
How will you make the server better: by bringing in more kids to play CygnusMs
Interests/hobby's: Not much playing the computer 24/7
Tell about yourself: I Guess I could be funny at some points but also a little creepy
Any other comment: nope [right]